Developmental Guidance Lessons
Developmental Guidance Lessons:
Seventh Grade:
Bully Awareness:
Lesson 1: Students will learn about the various forms of cyberbullying and how to protect themselves against a cyberbully.
Lesson 2: Students will identify the various types of bullying and learn techniques that will help them stand up to bullying.
Lesson 3: Students will learn the difference between a bystander and an upstander and learn strategies to help create a positive and caring school community.
Lesson 4: Students will understand how to define sexual harassment and what to do if they are targets of sexual harassment.
Goal Setting:
Lesson 1: Students will understand why goals are important and be able to identify goals.
Lesson 2: Students will learn the process of setting a goal and will determine their individual goal.
Lesson 3: Students will understand how to evaluate their goals and be introduced to their high school options, encouraging students to plan ahead.
Eighth Grade:
Lesson 1: Students review cyberbullying laws and how to prevent and protect themselves from a cyberbully. Students learn about sexting and its legal consequences.
Career Exploration:
Lesson 1: Students review goal setting and begin to develop career goals by understanding their personality types.
Lesson 2: Students match their personality types and interests to careers and begin exploring the careers online.
Lesson 3: Students develop a goal to help them move towards their long term career goal.